Correlated Photon-Pair Sources

  • Heralded Single-Photon Sources with g(2)(τ = 0) < 0.1
  • Photon-Pair Generation at 810 nm
  • Integrated 405 nm Pump Laser
  • Sources with <0.25 nm or 10 nm Photon Bandwidths


Correlated Photon-Pair Source

A second-order correlation measurement [g(2)(τ)] between signal and idler photons. The peak at τ = 0 confirms the generation of photon pairs. Data is valid for both sources at 40 mW.


 Narrow Band Correlated Photon-Pair Source


Narrowband Correlated Photon-Pair Source

Related Items

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Typical Applications

  • Sub-Shot-Noise Imaging
  • 2-Photon Interference
  • Single-Photon Sensor Characterization
  • Quantum Key Distribution
  • Heralded g(2) Measurements
  • Absorption Spectroscopy
  • Quantum Metrology
  • Waveguide Characterization
SPDC Energy Conservation
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The SPDC conversion process obeys energy and momentum conservation.
SPDC Nonlinear Process
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Collinear Type-II SPDC of one 405 nm pump photon entering a PPKTP crystal and exiting as two 810 nm output photons.


  • Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion (SPDC) Sources (Collinear Type-II) 
  • <0.25 nm (Item # SPDC810N) or ~10 nm (Item # SPDC810) Photon Bandwidth
  • High-Efficiency Heralding Ratio: 
    • SPDC810N: >0.30
    • SPDC810: >0.45 
  • Room Temperature Operation
  • Remote Operation of 405 nm Pump Laser 
  • Two AR-Coated FC/PC to Uncoated FC/PC Patch Cables Included
  • Fiber Bulkhead and Connector Cleaners Included
  • Please Contact to Inquire About Custom SPDC Sources

Thorlabs' Correlated Photon-Pair Sources use spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) to generate a pair of photons near 810 nm. Each source is self-contained, features an integrated 405 nm pump laser, and is capable of high-brightness photon-pair generation rates. The SPDC810N narrowband source provides output with a 0.25 nm photon bandwidth, generates photon pairs at a rate of >100 kHz, and has a high-efficiency heralding ratio of >0.30. Comparatively, the SPDC810 source produces output with a wider photon bandwidth of ~10 nm, but generates photon pairs at a rate of >450 kHz and has an even higher heralding ratio of 0.45. A zero-time delay second-order correlation function [g(2) (τ = 0)] value of <0.1 can be achieved with these sources, making them high-brightness heralded single-photon sources ideal for quantum optics applications. For complete performance specifications, please see the Specs tab; note that the heralding ratio, pair rate, and g(2)(0) values are given for the pump laser operating at 40 mW and the observed statistics will vary with the pump power and detector specifications.

Click to Enlarge

The SPDC810 software provides a simple GUI, which automatically identifies connected SPDC810 or SPDC810N Photon-Pair Sources and allows control of the pump power and emission. The GUI also displays the pump power, current, and temperatures, allowing the user to check the state of the device at a glance.

Intensified Tpx3Cam, a Fast Data-Driven Optical Camera with Nanosecond Timing Resolution for Single Photon Detection in Quantum Applications

A. Nomerotski, M. Cheklov, D. Dolzhenko, R. Glazenborg, B. Farella, M. Keach, R. Mahon, D. Orlov, and P. Svihra

Application Article Button

In each SPDC source, a nonlinear crystal [periodically poled potassium titanyl phosphate (PPKTP)] converts one 405 nm pump photon into two 810 nm photons (the signal and idler) in a single event. The resulting signal and idler photons have type-II phase matching, which means they propagate with orthogonal polarizations (extraordinary and ordinary); see the schematics to the right. As a source that emits photon-pairs in a simultaneous event, it can be used as a heralded single-photon source. This is when the detection of one photon (idler) heralds the presence of the second photon (signal). More information about single-photon verification can be found in the Single-Photon Output tab.

To efficiently collect the down-converted light, the signal and idler channel outputs are FC/PC coupled. We recommend using P1-780PMAR-2 patch cables, two of which are included with each photon-pair source, or PM780-HP FC/PC patch cables, such as P1-780PM-FC-1, to maintain polarization. If polarization information does not need to be retained, 780HP FC/PC patch cables can also be used.

Both the SPDC810 and SPDC810N Photon-Pair Sources are compatible with the software available in the Software tab for remote PC operation. The image to the left shows the simple GUI for pump laser control and monitoring.

Fiber Bulkhead and Connector Cleaners Included
The included FBC250 Fiber Bulkhead and Connector Cleaner quickly removes light dust, particulates, and oil contaminants from connectors without the need for solvents. Replacement cartridges are available for purchase in packs of two. The FCC-7020 Universal Fiber Connector Cleaner, also included, is another great alternative to alcohol or solvent. For more information about how to use the FBC250, see the Fiber Cleaning Techniques tab above. 

Please note, if cleaning is needed on the AR-coated end of the included patch cables, use a solvent such as isopropanol (IPA) on a small piece of cloth. Using a dry cloth on an AR-coated end may permanently damage the fiber end face. Furthermore, the AR-coated end should never be mated to another fiber and is meant for free space launching only.

SPDC Source Housing Dimensions
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SPDC810N Correlated Photon-Pair Source Housing Dimensions
Item # SPDC810N SPDC810
Optical Specifications
Operating Wavelength 810 ± 1 nm 810 ± 2 nm
ηsi (Detector Excluded)a,b >0.30 >0.45
Max Pairs/Second >100 kHz >450 kHz
Wavelength Stabilitya ±0.1 nm ±2.5 nm
Photon Bandwidth <0.25 nm ~10 nm
Temperature Control Yes No
Wavelength Tuning Range >8 nm None
g(2)(τ = 0)a,c <0.1
Extinction Ratioa >17 dB
Lifetime >2500 Hours of Pump Emission
Pump Laser Power Up to 40 mW Up to 150 mW
User Serviceable No No
Electrical Specifications
Input Voltage 100 - 240 V
Frequency 50 - 60 Hz
Power Consumption 20 W (Max) 25 W (Max)
Fuse Rating 2 A, 250 V None
Fuse Type Time-Lag (Slow-Blow) None
Fuse Size 5 mm x 20 mm None
PC Connections
Interface USB Type B RS232 Serial
Environmental Requirements
Room Temperature 18 °C to 25 °C
Storage Temperature -10 °C to 60 °C
Humidity Non-Condensing
Physical Dimensions
Dimensions (L x W x H)d 250.0 mm x 300.0 mm x 122.2 mm
(9.84" x 11.81" x 4.81")
10.13" x 6.41" x 2.24"
(257.2 mm x 162.7 mm x 56.9 mm)
Weight 4.2 kg 2.6 kg
  • For a Pump Laser Power of 40 mW
  • ηsi is the heralding ratio and can be determined using C/sqrt(PsPi ), where C respresents the coincidence counts and Ps and Pi are the raw counts on the signal and idler channels, respectively.
  • Second-order correlation measurement at zero time delay. See the Single-Photon Output tab for more details.
  • Dimensions do not include ports or buttons used to control the unit. Please refer to the mechanical drawings for more detail.
SPDC Source Housing Dimensions
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SPDC810 Correlated Photon-Pair Source Housing Dimensions


Version 2.0.0

The SPDC810 software package, which includes a GUI for control of the SPDC810 and SPDC810N Correlated Photon-Pair Sources.

SPDC810N Front and Back Panels

SPDC810 Electrical Connections
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SPDC810N Narrowband Correlated Photon-Pair Source Front Panel 
SPDC810N Narrowband Correlated Photon-Pair Source Front Panel
Callout Description
1 Push-Button Power Switch
2 Display (Indicates Pump Current Level, Crystal Temperature, and Emission Status)
3 Pump Current and Crystal Temperature Knob
4 Signal Channel Output, 2.0 mm Narrow Key FC/PC Fiber Connector
5 Idler Channel Output, 2.0 mm Narrow Key FC/PC Fiber Connector
6 Enable Switch (Push to Activate)
SPDC810 Electrical Connections
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SPDC810N Narrowband Correlated Photon-Pair Source Back Panel 
SPDC810N Narrowband Correlated Photon-Pair Source Back Panel
Callout Description
1 USB Type B Port
2 AC Power Cord Connector
3 Fuse Tray
4 AC Power On/Off Switch
5 Remote Interlock Input (BNC)

SPDC810 Front Panel

SPDC810 Electrical Connections
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SPDC810 Correlated Photon-Pair Source Front Panel
SPDC810 Correlated Photon-Pair Source Front Panel
Callout Description
1 Signal Channel Output, 2.0 mm Narrow Key FC/PC Fiber Connector 
2 Idler Channel Output, 2.0 mm Narrow Key FC/PC Fiber Connector
3 Serial RS232 Connector for Pump Laser
4 M8 Power Connector, 12 VDC Supply

SPDC810 Electrical Connections

RS232 Female Connector (On Housing)

RS-232 Connector
The RS232 connector provides connection to the pump laser.
Pin Description Pin
1 Data Carrier Detect (DCD) 6 Data Set Ready (DSR)
2 Receive Data (RXD) 7 Request to Send (RTS)
3 Transmit Data (TXD) 8 Clear to Send (CTS)
4 Data Terminal Ready (DTR) 9 Ring Indicator (RI)
5 Signal Ground (GND) - -

M8 Male Connector (On Housing)

M8 Connector
For Connection to DS12 12 VDC Power Supply
Pin Description
1 Not Connected
2 Not Connected
3 +12 V
4 Ground
Experimental Setup for Single-Photon Generation
Click to Enlarge

Figure 1: Experimental setup for testing single-photon generation. APD-h is the avalanche photodiodes for the heralded photons, while APD-1 and APD-2 are the ones for the signal photons. TCSPC is the time-correlated single-photon counter.

Verification of Single-Photon Output

One of the most important characteristics of any single-photon source is the degree to which its output consists of only single photons. It is not enough to be able to detect a signal using single photon detectors, which can be easily achieved by attenuating a classical light source. Also, the output of a true single photon source may be contaminated with additional light due to leakage or multiphoton events. Therefore, while a coincidence peak can confirm the presence of single photons, it provides little information about the present noise. Please note that throughout this discussion, singles refers to a single detection event on one channel, ideally half of the photon pair.

Each of Thorlabs' Photon-Pair Sources is based on spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) and, thus, generates a pair of photons at any moment in time. An experimental setup to verify single­-photon operation is shown in Figure 1. One of the outputs is connected directly to a single-photon detector, which in this case is a single-photon avalanche photodiode (APD). This channel is often referred to as a heralding or trigger channel, as it confirms the existence of a photon in the other arm. The signal channel is split on a 50:50 beamsplitter in a Hanbury-Brown-Twiss configuration and is connected to detectors 1 and 2. All 3 detectors are then connected to a coincidence counter, which is a time-correlated single-photon counter (TCSPC). If the output of the source truly consists only of photon pairs, there will only be two-fold coincidences between the heralding detector and detector 1 or 2, which are Ch,1 and Ch,2 respectively. This is demonstrated in Figure 2. Three-fold coincidences between all three detectors Ch,1,2 should not occur, as there are only two photons present.

SPDC810 Histogram
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Figure 2: Coincidence Histogram for Ch,1 and Ch,2, which are the coincidences between APD-h and APD-1 or -2, respectively. The peak at 50 ns confirms pair emission; a heralding photon reaches APD-h and 50 ns later (an added time delay) a signal photon reaches APD-1 or APD-2. Data acquired using Thorlabs' SPDC810 Photon-Pair Source.

Example data obtained using the SPDC810 Photon-Pair Source is presented in Table 1. As expected, the singles are split according to the beamsplitter reflectance. In this case, the additional loss was due to fiber­-to-fiber coupling. The same is true for coincidences Ch,1 and Ch,2, which are similarly distributed between the two detectors. However, three-fold coincidences Ch,1,2 are very close to 0. The results confirm the true single­-photon output of the source. In addition, the experiment also confirms the particle nature of light, i.e., a photon cannot be split.

Table 1
Average Coincidences per Second Singles per Second
Ch,1 15229 Sh 130796
Ch,2 17435 S1 45376
Ch,1,2 8 S2 55128

The measurement described above is often referred to as a heralded second-order intensity correlation gh(2)(τ), where τ is the time difference between the arrival times t1 and t2. At τ = 0, which is our point of interest, it can be quantified using the following formula:

For an ideal photon pair source, the conditional probability of detecting photons at both detectors 1 and 2 at the same time (τ=0), given that a photon is detected at the heralding detector, is 0. Based on the data shown in Table 1 and using equation 1, we obtain gh(2)(0) = 0.004, which is very close to ideal performance. In addition, the second order intensity correlation has a more fundamental importance. It is used to prove the non-classical nature of light, as the value of g(2)(0) depends on the type of light being investigated:

Depending on the experimental configuration, photon pair sources can exhibit both bunched and antibunched light statistics. Thermal light is a typical example of bunched light, where the probability of photons being detected across the outputs of a beamsplitter increases for τ ≈ 0, peaking at τ = 0. In contrast, an ideal single photon source exhibits antibunching, as discussed earlier. However, if a g(2)(τ) measurement is performed only on one of the channels, with the other one ignored, then such a source will produce thermal statistics.

Fiber Cleaning Techniques

This tab details a technique for cleaning fiber bulkheads and connectors using the FBC250 Fiber Bulkhead and Connector Cleaner, included with the SPDC810 and SPDC810N Correlated Photon-Pair Sources.

Fiber Cleaning Using the FBC250 Cleaner

Cleaning Fiber Bulkheads

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To clean a 2.5 mm fiber bulkhead with a FBC250 cleaner, remove the guide cap completely from the device, and insert the tip of the cleaner into the bulkhead. Rotate the cleaner handle from the LOCK position to the CLEAN position, and then carefully push the handle toward the bulkhead to advance the cleaning string that cleans the connector. A click indicates that the cleaning is complete. To clean a 2.5 mm SC, ST, FC, or ES200 fiber connector, expose just the top of the guide cap, insert the tip of the FBC250 cleaner into the connector and proceed with the same steps.

Replacing the Cartridge

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A new cartridge is shown being installed. The cartridge will need to be replaced when the green tape appears in the indicator window. To remove the cartridge in the FBC250 cleaner, remove the guide cap completely and detach the old cartridge by firmly pulling it away from the handle. Perform this last step with care.
SPDC810N Shipped Parts
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 Shipping contents of The SPDC810N Source

The SPDC810N Narrowband Correlated Photon-Pair Source ships with the following components:

  • Benchtop, Narrowband Photon-Pair Source 
  • Interlock-Shorting BNC Connector 
  • Region-Specific Power Cord
  • USB Type A to Type B Cable, 6.56' Long
  • Two P1-780PMAR-2 AR Coated Patch Cables
  • FBC250 Fiber Connector and Bulkhead Cleaner
  • FCC-7020 Fiber Connector Cleaner

SPDC810N Shipped Parts
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 Shipping contents of the SPDC810 Source

The SPDC810 Correlated Photon-Pair Source ships with the following components:

  • Compact Correlated Photon-Pair Source
  • DS12 Power Supply
  • RS232 Cable, 10' Long
  • USB to Serial Converter,1.50' Long
  • Two P1-780PMAR-2 AR Coated Patch Cables
  • FBC250 Fiber Connector and Bulkhead Cleaner
  • FCC-7020 Fiber Connector Cleaner

Posted Comments:
kx y  (posted 2024-10-16 13:06:21.157)
Hello, I need very precise wavelength degeneracy for SDPC810N, but it difficult to determine the crystal temperature corresponding to the optimal wavelength degeneracy without a single photon spectrometer and with a large tunable range of crystals (20-60℃). May I know that the crystal temperature range corresponding to the optimal degeneracy, or whether there is any experience value or test report? Thank you very much!
tdevkota  (posted 2024-10-18 09:49:35.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. We can provide the degeneracy temperature for the unit which we find during the device's performance verification. You will need to adjust the temperature of the crystal about this value to ensure proper optimization. I've reached out to you directly to share more details.
kx y  (posted 2024-07-09 22:45:14.573)
1.For SPDC180N(photon bandwidth ~10nm), are the signal and the idle degenerate? 2.For SPDC810N, the pumping laser is pulsed light or continuous light?
jpolaris  (posted 2024-07-12 06:29:53.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. I believe you may have had a typo in the part number you gave in your first question. (1) SPDC810 (~10 nm photon bandwidth) is factory configured so that the integrated spectra of the signal and idler are degenerate at full pump power. For SPDC810N (< 0.25 nm photon bandwidth), you can tune in and out of degeneracy by adjusting the temperature of the internal nonlinear crystal. This can be achieved by using the knob on the front panel of SPDC810N. This may be needed for applications requiring a more precise degree of wavelength degeneracy.; (2) Yes, the SPDC810N pump is CW.
Sangbae Kim  (posted 2024-05-21 08:30:02.157)
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inquire about the configuration of the SPDC810N. While it is not explicitly stated whether it is based on a Sagnac configuration, it appears to be utilizing a type-II collinear SPDC process to generate polarization-entangled photons. However, for the purpose of representing Bell states, it is necessary for the SPDC810N to have a Sagnac configuration during the generation process of SPDC photon pairs internally. Could you please confirm whether the SPDC810N is configured in a Sagnac setup or a standard linear configuration? Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt response. Best regards,
jpolaris  (posted 2024-05-30 12:37:20.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. SPDC810N is not an entangled source, and it does not utilize a Sagnac configuration. Rather, it utilizes a single-pass ppKTP arrangement. Two orthogonally polarized photons are produced as a pair, and then split by their polarization state. These photons are then delivered through independent bulkheads. I have reached out to you directly to discuss further.
marc fleury  (posted 2023-06-13 09:04:01.347)
Any information of the state of polarization of the photons? Is this a SPDC source of entangled photons? If so what quantum state are they in ? Can I perform a Bell violation measure with this setup?
cdolbashian  (posted 2023-06-16 09:46:03.0)
Thank you for reaching out to us with this inquiry. Regarding the polarization states, the pair of photons are split by polarization and thus the wavefunctions can no longer be written of the two states as we have already "measured" the state. I will reach out to you to discuss the rest of your inquiries.
user  (posted 2023-05-02 14:09:06.023)
We have bought SPDC810 and hoped to use polarization-entangled photons in the beginning. But it seems this unit doesn't have polarization-entangled photons. I wonder if you could update/modify our SPDC810 to make it emit entangled photons.
jdelia  (posted 2023-05-02 03:47:57.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs and for providing this valuable feedback. While this not a feature we currently offer, I can certainly pass along your request for a polarization-entangled version of the SPDC810 to our design engineers through our internal suggestion forum for consideration as a future product.
user  (posted 2023-03-19 18:48:18.373)
I see that the polarization-entangled photons produced have orthogonal polarizations. I'm interested to know at what roughly what percentage will pairs produced be horizontal/vertical versus diagonal/antidiagonal. Thanks in advance.
jdelia  (posted 2023-03-22 11:24:18.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. This unit does not have polarization-entangled photons. We have reached out to you directly to discuss your application.
user  (posted 2022-10-20 20:53:20.513)
1. The polarization of signal and idler are always same (Say, signal always horizontal and idler always vertical) or different (Say signal can be V when idler is H and vise versa ) in their channels.? 2. Is it possible to achieve more lifetime.?
cdolbashian  (posted 2022-10-31 01:05:53.0)
Thank you for your inquiries. I have reached out to you directly to address your inquiries!
user  (posted 2022-09-08 20:18:49.1)
Like SPDC810 for 810nm, do you have the SPDC for 1550. Thank you
cdolbashian  (posted 2022-09-19 10:31:35.0)
Thank you for reaching out to us with this inquiry. While it doesn't seem like this is a product which we currently have, I have reached out to you directly to discuss a potential alternative.
Aitor Villar  (posted 2022-02-17 12:07:04.29)
Dear Mr./Mrs., For import/export matters, may I know what would be the Harmonised System Code for this particular device? Thanks a lot.
cdolbashian  (posted 2022-02-24 05:02:44.0)
Thank you for reaching out to us Aitor. The HTS code for the SPDC810 is 9013.20.0000.
Thomas Tsang  (posted 2021-06-08 15:58:08.723)
We recently received our SPDC810 s/n TP02386869 PO # 00000394720 This device does not come with a PC control software other than RS232 driver. We were unable to verify that it is operating nor can we find any control software we can download from ThorLabs. Please advice.
YLohia  (posted 2021-06-09 02:10:21.0)
Hello Thomas, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. We are about to release the software for the SPDC810. It should be available to download on this page soon, but we don't have a set release date at the moment. I've reached out to you directly with a pre-release version of it.
tingting gu  (posted 2021-04-11 20:57:17.22)
1.Hello, are there any single photons with wavelengths between 600 and 700 nanometers? 2.Does this product include a pumped laser? Do I need to buy it separately? 3.Can we control the output velocity of single photon by adjusting the power of laser? 4.Does your company have TCSPC equipment? These devices are used to demonstrate single-photon properties.
YLohia  (posted 2021-04-21 11:42:26.0)
Hello, the output for the SPDC810 is 810 ± 2 nm (nothing between 600-700 nm). These is a turnkey system-- it contains a pump laser. Controlling the velocity of photons (speed of light) is not possible. This cannot be changed by controlling the power of the pump laser. We offer the SPCM20A Single Photon Counter Module, but it does not perform time correlated single photon counting. To make time correlated single photon counting, you would need additional electronics.
Chris Ebbers  (posted 2021-03-09 12:14:50.097)
Could we set up a virtual demo / virtual walkthrough regarding the SPDC 810 nm source? Thank you Chris Ebbers
YLohia  (posted 2021-03-12 04:02:03.0)
Hello again Chris, we will reach out to you directly to discuss this.
Christopher Ebbers  (posted 2021-01-05 12:22:55.733)
1. Is there a manual available online for the SPDC810? 2. Are there any plans to create on of your famous teaching kits which would include the SPDC810, 2 silicon Avalanche photodiodes, beamsplitter, polarizers, & waveplates & manual with 5 or 6 experiments? Thanks in advance
YLohia  (posted 2021-01-06 10:27:56.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. The manual can be accessed by clicking the red document icon next to the part number or by following this link ( We will contact you directly to discuss your request about the educational kit.
CHRISTIAN D'HEM  (posted 2020-12-07 13:00:46.047)
Could you provide a SPDC810 with a Maxpairs/second between 10-100 Mhz (preferably 100) Best regards
YLohia  (posted 2020-12-08 02:48:34.0)
Hello Christian, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. We have reached out to you directly to discuss the feasibility of offering this.
user  (posted 2020-09-05 19:00:59.663)
Is it possible to request a minor tuning of the center wavelength of the source. Specifically, could it be possible to have it at a slightly lower wavelength of 795 or 800nm?
YLohia  (posted 2020-09-08 11:11:32.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. Our engineers will reach out to you directly to discuss the possibility of offering this.
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Narrowband Correlated Photon-Pair Source

SPDC Source Housing Dimensions
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The SPDC810N source's signal and idler photon output spectra overlap at 810 nm. The FWHM results in a photon bandwidth of <0.25 nm.
  • >0.30 High-Efficiency Heralding Ratio
  • >100 kHz Pair Generation Rate
  • Pump Laser Power Adjustable up to 40 mW
  • ±0.1 nm Wavelength Stability
  • <0.25 nm Photon Bandwidth
  • >8 nm Wavelength Tuning Range
  • Control via the Front Panel or Remotely through USB

The SPDC810N Narrowband Correlated Photon-Pair Source features a single-frequency integrated 405 nm pump laser and generates photon pairs at a rate of >100 kHz with a high-efficiency heralding ratio of >0.3. The photon-pair output at 810 nm has a photon bandwidth of <0.25 nm. A resistive heater oven maintains the crystal temperature and the wavelength of the down-converted photons, resulting in a wavelength stability of ±0.1 nm. For adequate cooling, the unit requires 1" of clearance on all sides. To tune in and out of degeneracy, the temperature of the nonlinear crystal can be adjusted to change the output photon wavelength by more than 8 nm.

The pump laser's power and the crystal temperature can be adjusted and monitored directly with the on-unit controls and display. Alternatively, a type B USB port on the back of the unit allows it to be connected to a PC and controlled remotely using the SPDC810 Software (available for download from the Software tab).

This SPDC Source is factory-aligned and ready to use. There are no user-serviceable parts in the unit, please contact for servicing.

Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
SPDC810N Support Documentation
SPDC810N810 nm Correlated Photon-Pair Source, <0.25 nm Photon Bandwidth, 8 nm Wavelength Tuning
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Correlated Photon-Pair Source

SPDC810 Electrical and Fiber Connections
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SPDC810 Photon-Pair Source with Included P1-780PMAR-2 Patch Cables Connected to Signal and Idler Outputs
  • >0.45 High-Efficiency Heralding Ratio
  • >450 kHz Pair Generation Rate
  • Pump Laser Power Adjustable up to 150 mW
  • ±2.5 nm Wavelength Stability
  • Photon Bandwidth: ~10 nm
  • Remote Operation via Serial RS232

The SPDC810 Correlated Photon-Pair Source has an integrated 405 nm pump laser, generates photon pairs at a rate of >450 kHz, and has a high-efficiency heralding ratio of >0.45. It also contains an oven to maintain the temperature of the nonlinear crystal and the wavelength of the down-converted photons, resulting in a wavelength stability of ±2.5 nm. For adequate cooling, the unit requires 1" of clearance
on all sides.

The SPDC810 source is factory-aligned and ready to use. If misalignment occurs but signal is still detected, X- and Y-axis adjustments to the internal mirrors can be made through the access holes, which are covered by two hex screws, in the side of the housing; see the manual for details. The hex screws and internal adjusters accept a 5/64" or 2 mm balldriver (not included). Please contact if no signal is detected.

The unit is shipped with a 12 V power supply with an M8 connector and an RS232 cable for operating the pump laser. For more information about these connectors, please see the Front and Back Panels tab. A complete list of the shipped components can be found in the Shipping List tab.

Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
SPDC810 Support Documentation
SPDC810810 nm Correlated Photon-Pair Source with >450 kHz Photon-Pair Generation Rate