ELLO ==== Version - 9th April 2024 ================================ Bug Fixes --------- - The following ELLO files were missing from both the x86 and x64 Windows installer packages: "ELLO\ViewModel\ELLMotorizedIrisViewModel.cs" "ELLO\Views\ELLMotorizedIrisView.xaml" "ELLO\Views\ELLMotorizedIrisView.xaml.cs" Version - 2nd August 2023 ================================= Updates ------- - Support for following stage: - ELL15 (Iris) - "Free Text" option in the Sequencer. - Added "Remove" button in Send Free Text feature. Bug Fixes --------- - Updating position in UI after manual button was use. Version - 1st September 2021 ==================================== Bug Fixes --------- - Fixed missing source file from installation causing example project to fail to build. Version - 18th June 2021 ================================ Updates ------- - Support for following stage: - ELL12 (6 positions Shutter) - Automatic process to adding new device and reseting address. - New features to the Output window - log file, copy records, scroll bar. - Scanning COM ports in real time. - Extended device description in the tab device. - "Go-To Position" option in the Sequencer. Bug Fixes --------- - UI now refresh after changing address. - Size of History window. - Now feedback is presenting after moving over max or under min position and jog. - Correct frequency lock. Version - 29th November 2018 ==================================== Updates ------- - Support for following stages: - ELL14 (Optics Rotator), - ELL17 (Linear Stage), - ELL18 (Rotary Stage), - ELL20 (Linear Stage) Version - 6th December 2017 =================================== Updates ------- - Minor API documentation updates. Bug Fixes --------- - Fixed missing source file from installation causing example project to fail to build. - Fixed issue in source code causing example not to build in pre VS2017. Version - 16th October 2017 =================================== Updates ------- - Updated manual. Version - 15th September 2017 ===================================== Updates ------- - Minor cosmetic changes to UI. - Option to Fix Frequencies. Bug Fixes --------- - Fixed crash when adding items to sequence. Version - 10th July 2017 ================================ Updates ------- - Support for following stages: - ELL3 (Polarizer), - ELL4 (Rotator), - ELL9 (Multi Position Slider), - ELL10 (60mm Linear Stage) Version - 9th December 2016 =================================== Updates ------- - Automatic update to get JogStepSize and GetHomeOffset at startup. Bug Fixes --------- - Fixed negative relative step issue. Any absolute value >= 0.001 is now allowed. - Fixed zero HomeOffset issue. Any value >= 0.0 is allowed. Version - 11th August 2016 ================================== Updates ------- - Option to set search range when looking for stages. Bug Fixes --------- - Fixed issues relating to numeric entry and illegal values. Version - 10th August 2016 ================================== Bug Fixes --------- - Fixed issue with "," not being accepted as decimal separator for cultures that require it. Version - 5th August 2016 ================================= Updates ------- - Updated to correct issues with Rotary and Linear stages Version - 20th July 2016 ================================ Initial Release