Thorlabs Inc.
Visit the Pyroelectric Energy Sensors (C-Series) page for pricing and availability information

Pyroelectric Energy Sensors (C-Series)

  • Energy Ranges Covering 10 µJ to 15 J
  • Repetition Rates of Up to 10 kHz
  • Wavelength Ranges Covering 185 nm to 25 µm
  • BNC to C-Series Adapter included

High Energy Sensors with Ceramic Coating (Shown with Included Isolator, Post Not Included)



Standard Sensors with Black Coating (Shown with Included Isolator, Post Not Included)


Black Coating




Metal Coating

Fast Sensors for High Repetition Rates
(Post Not Included)

Hide Overview


Type Standard High Energy Fast
Item # ES1xxC ES2xxC ES3xxC ES4xxC
Energy Range 10 µJ - 2 J 500 µJ - 15 J 100 µJ - 1 J 50 µJ - 1 J
Wavelength Range 0.185 - 25 µm 0.185 - 25 µm 0.185 - 25 µm 0.185 - 2.5 µm
Max Power Density
(Pulse Width)
8 MW/cm2
(10 ns Pulse)
65 MW/cm2
(7 ns Pulse)
8 MW/cm2
(10 ns Pulse)
5 MW/cm2
(10 ns Pulse)
Repetition Rate 30 Hz - 40 Hz 30 Hz 250 Hz - 1 kHz 2 kHz - 10 kHz
Coating Black Ceramic Black Metal
Typical Application Wavelength-Independent Energy Measurements High Energy Densities High Repetition Rates
Pryoelectric Sensor ConnectorClick to Enlarge
These pyroelectric sensor heads are terminated with a BNC connection. A BNC to C-Series adapter is included for use with C-Series Power Meter Consoles or Interfaces.


  • For Pulsed Applications Over a Wide Wavelength and Energy Range
  • Individually Calibrated with NIST- and PTB-Traceable Certificate of Calibration
  • BNC Connector for Direct Use with Oscilloscopes
  • BNC to C-Series Adapter Includes Calibration and Indentification Data
  • Compatible with Select C-Series Energy Meter Consoles and Interfaces (See Tables Below for Details)

Thorlabs' Pyroelectric Energy Meter Sensors can be used to detect pulsed sources with energies from 10 µJ to 15 J. All of these sensors provide a flat response over the 185 nm to 25 µm wavelength range except for the ES4xxC sensors, which have a range from 185 nm to 2.5 µm (see the Absorption Graphs tab for details). Note that pyroelectric sensors are not suited for CW measurements, as they convert energy from light pulses into voltage pulses.

The ES1xxC standard sensors can be used for wavelength-independent energy measurements of sources with energies from 10 µJ to 2 J and repetition rates up to 40 Hz. The ES2xxC sensors are designed to handle high power densities up to 65 MW/cm2 (for a 7 ns pulse width). For sources with repetition rates up to 1 kHz, the ES3xxC fast energy sensors can detect sources with energies bewteen 100 µJ to 1 J over a broad wavelength from 185 nm to 25 µm. For higher repetition rates up to 10 kHz, the ES4xxC sensors can detect sources with energies 50 µJ to 1 J at wavelengths up to 2.5 µm.

All of Thorlabs' pyroelectric energy sensors are compatible with the PM5020 benchtop console and PM103x power and energy meter interfaces, and all the sensors except for Item # ES408C are compatible with the PM400 and PM100D power and energy meter consoles and PM100USB interface. Please see the Console Selection tab for a summary of our console and interface options.

Alternatively, the sensors can be connected directly to an oscilloscope with a 1 MΩ input resistance via the BNC connector. For the ES1xxC standard and ES2xxC high-energy sensors, the load resistance can be reduced when connected to an oscilloscope to accommodate higher repetition rates. The ES3xxC and ES4xxC fast energy sensors, which can detectect repetition rates ≥250 Hz, are optimized for use with 1 MΩ loads, and using these sensors with other load resistances may lead to reduced speed.

The bottom of the sensor head has a mounting hole with either 8-32 threads (ES1xxC and ES2xxC sensors) or 8-32 and M4 combi-threads (ES3xxC and ES4xxC sensors). Since the heads of the ES1xxC and ES2xxC sensors are very sensitive to ground loops and electrical noise, we recommend attaching the sensor head to one of the included electrically isolating post adapters; one imperial and one metric adapter are included with each sensor head to provide direct compatibility with imperial or metric Ø1/2" (Ø12.7 mm) Posts. The design of the ES3xxC and ES4xxC sensors means that adapters for electrical isolation are not necessary. The ES120C and the ES220C can also be mounted to our 30 mm Cage System via the four 4-40 threaded holes on the front, although this mounting option does not provide electrical isolation. The ES3xxC and ES4xxC sensors have externally SM1-threaded (1.035"-40) input apertures for use with our SM1-threaded lens tubes.

Each sensor head is individually calibrated and is shipped with a NIST- and PTB-Traceable Calibration Certificate. The calibration and identification data is stored in the BNC to C-Series adapter, shown in the image above, and is downloaded automatically when connected to a compatible Thorlabs' console or interface.

Recalibration Services
Thorlabs offers recalibration services for our pyroelectric energy sensors. To ensure accurate measurements, we recommend recalibrating the sensors annually. Pyroelectric energy sensors returned for recalibration or servicing must include the separate BNC to DB9 adapter, which contains the sensor EEPROM. To order this service for your sensor, scroll to the bottom of the page and select Item # CAL-THPY. Recalibration of a single-channel power and/or energy meter console or interface is included with the recalibration of a sensor at no additional cost.

Hide Specs


Item # ES111C ES120C ES145C ES220C ES245C
Technical Specs
Detector Type Standard Pyroelectric Energy Sensor High-Energy Pyroelectric Energy Sensor
Wavelength Range 185 nm - 25 µm 185 nm - 25 µm
Optical Energy Range 10 µJ - 150 mJ 100 µJ - 500 mJ 500 µJ - 2 J 500 µJ - 3 J 1 mJ - 15 J
Max Repetition Rate
(@ 1 MΩ Load)
40 Hz 30 Hz 30 Hz 30 Hz 30 Hz
Max Power Density
(Pulse Width)
8 MW/cm2
(10 ns Pulse)
65 MW/cm2
(7 ns Pulse @ 355 nm)
Max Pulse Energy Density
(Pulse Width)
0.15 J/cm2
(1 µs Pulse)
0.45 J/cm2
(7 ns Pulse @ 355 nm)
Max Average Power 0.15 W 0.15 W 0.5 W 5 W 10 W
Resolution 100 nJ 1 µJ 1 µJ 25 µJ 50 µJ
Linearity ±1% ±1%
Measurement Uncertainty ±5% @ 190 nm - 25 µm ±5% @ 185 nm - 25 µm ±5% @ 185 nm - 25 µm ±5% @ 185 nm - 25 µm
Thermal Time Constant 20 ms 20 ms
Item # ES308C ES312C ES408C ES412C
Technical Specs
Detector Type Fast Pyroelectric Energy Sensor
Wavelength Range 185 nm - 25 µm 185 nm - 2.5 µm
Optical Energy Range 500 µJ - 1 J 100 µJ - 1 J 100 µJ - 1 J 50 µJ - 500 mJ
Max Repetition Rate
(@ 1 MΩ Load)
1 kHz 250 Hz 10 kHz 2 kHz
Max Power Density
(Pulse Width)
8 MW/cm2
(10 ns Pulse)
5 MW/cm2
(10 ns Pulse)
Max Pulse Energy Density
(Pulse Width)
80 mJ/cm2
(10 ns Pulse)
50 mJ/cm2
(10 ns Pulse)
Max Average Power 0.5 W 0.5 W
Resolution 5 µJ 1 µJ 1 µJ
Linearity ±1% ±1%
Measurement Uncertainty ±5% @ 185 nm - 25 µm ±5% @ 185 nm - 2.5 µm
Thermal Time Constant 0.6 ms 2 ms 0.07 ms 0.5 ms
  • Including SM1 Thread Depth

For details on sensor-related terminology, see our list of definitions.

Hide Absorption Graphs


ES100 Absorption Curve
Click to Enlarge
Click Here for Raw Data
ES200 Absorption Curve
Click to Enlarge
Click Here for Raw Data
ES400 Absorption Curve
Click to Enlarge
Click Here for Raw Data

Hide Pin Diagrams


C-Series Connector Adapter

D-Type Male

DB9 Male

Pin Connection
1 Not Used
3 Pyroelectric Sensor Ground
4 Not Used
5 Pyroelectric Sensor +
6 EEPROM Ground
7 Present: Sensor Recognition
8 Not Used
9 Not Used

Sensor Connector

BNC Male

BNC Female

Hide Console Selection


Thorlabs offers a wide selection of power and energy meter consoles and interfaces for operating our power and energy sensors. Key specifications of all of our power meter consoles and interfaces are presented below to help you decide which device is best for your application. We also offer self-contained wireless power meters and compact USB power meters.

When used with our C-series sensors, Thorlabs' power meter consoles and interfaces recognize the type of connected sensor and measure the current or voltage as appropriate. Our C-series sensors have responsivity calibration data stored in their connectors. The console will read out the responsivity value for the user-entered wavelength and calculate a power or energy reading.

  • Photodiode sensors deliver a current that depends on the input optical power and the wavelength. The current is fed into a transimpedance amplifier, which outputs a voltage proportional to the input current. The photodiode's responsivity is wavelength dependent, so the correct wavelength must be entered into the console for an accurate power reading. The console reads out the responsivity for this wavelength from the connected sensor and calculates the optical power from the measured photocurrent.
  • Thermal sensors deliver a voltage proportional to the input optical power. Based on the measured sensor output voltage and the sensor's responsivity, the console will calculate the incident optical power.
  • Energy sensors are based on the pyroelectric effect. They deliver a voltage peak proportional to the pulse energy. If an energy sensor is recognized, the console will use a peak voltage detector and the pulse energy will be calculated from the sensor's responsivity.

The consoles and interfaces are also capable of providing a readout of the current or voltage delivered by the sensor. Select models also feature an analog output.


Item # PM100A PM100D PM400 PM5020
(Click Photo to Enlarge) PM100A PM100D PM400 PM5020
Key Features Analog Power Measurements Digital Power and Energy Measurements Digital Power and Energy Measurements, Touchscreen Control Dual Channel
Compatible Sensors Photodiode and Thermal Power Photodiode Power, Thermal Power, and Pyroelectric Energya Photodiode Power, Thermal Power, Thermal Power and Position, and Pyroelectric Energya Photodiode Power, Thermal Power, Thermal Power and Position, and Pyroelectric Energy
Housing Dimensions
(H x W x D)
7.24" x 4.29" x 1.61"
(184 mm x 109 mm x 41 mm)
7.09" x 4.13" x 1.50"
(180 mm x 105 mm x 38 mm)
5.35" x 3.78" x 1.16"
(136.0 mm x 96.0 mm x 29.5 mm)
9.97" x 4.35" x 11.56"
(253.2 mm x 110.6 mm x 293.6 mm)
Channels 1 2
External Temperature Sensor Input (Sensor not Included) - - Readout and Record Temperature Over Time Readout and Record Temperature Over Time
External Humidity Sensor Input (Sensor not Included) - - Readout and Record Humidity Over Time Readout and Record Humidity Over Time
Input/Output Ports - 4 GPIO, Programmable 4 Configurable Digital I/O Channels
Shutter Control - - - Support for SH05R(/M) or SH1(/M) Optical Shutter with Interlock Input
Fan Control - - - Yes!
Source Spectral Correction - - Yes! Yes!
Attenuation Correction - - Yes! Yes!
External Trigger Input - - - Yes!
Type Mechanical Needle and LCD Display with Digital Readout 320 x 240 Pixel Backlit Graphical LCD Display Protected Capacitive Touchscreen with Color Display
Dimensions Digital: 1.9" x 0.5"
(48.2 mm x 13.2 mm)
Analog: 3.54" x 1.65"
(90.0 mm x 42.0 mm)
3.17" x 2.36"
(81.4 mm x 61.0 mm)
3.7" x 2.1"
(95 mm x 54 mm)
4.32" x 2.43"
(109.7 mm x 61.6 mm)
Refresh Rate 20 Hz 10 Hz (Numerical)
25 Hz (Analog Simulation)
25 Hz
Measurement Viewsb
Numerical yes yes yes
Mechanical Analog Needle yes - - -
Simulated Analog Needle - yes Yes! yes
Bar Graph - yes Yes! yes
Trend Graph - yes Yes! yes
Histogram - yes - -
Statistics Yes! yes Yes! yes
Type - SD Card NAND Flash SD Card
Size - 2 GB 4 GB 8 GB
Battery LiPo 3.7 V 1300 mAh LiPo 3.7 V 2600 mAh -
External 5 VDC via USB or Included AC Adapter 5 VDC via USB Line Voltage: 100 - 240 V
  • As the PM100D and PM400 consoles can only support repetition rates of up to 3 kHz, they should not be used with the ES408C sensor, which detects repetition rates up to 10 kHz.
  • These are the measurement views built into the unit.


Item # PM101 PM102 PM103 PM101A PM102A PM103A
(Click Photo to Enlarge) PM101 PM102 PM103 PM101A PM102A PM103A
Operation Protocol USB, RS232, UART,
and Analog
USB and Analog SMA
Sensor Compatibility
Photodiode - -
Thermal Power - -
Thermal Position & Power - - - -
Pyroelectric - - - -

Item # PM103E PM101R PM101U PM102U PM103U PM100USB
(Click Photo to Enlarge) PM101R PM101U PM102U PM103U PM100USB
Operation Protocol Ethernet, RS232, and Analog USB and
USB Operation USB
Sensor Compatibility
Photodiode -
Thermal Power -
Thermal Position & Power - - - -
Pyroelectric - - - a
  • As the PM100USB interface can only support repetition rates of up to 3 kHz, it should not be used with the ES408C sensor, which detects repetition rates up to 10 kHz.
  • Dependent on PC Settings
  • These power meter interfaces do not have a built-in monitor, so all data must be displayed through a PC running the Optical Power Monitor Software.
  •  48 V is the nominal voltage over the network, but can range from 36 V - 57 V.

Hide Pulse Calculations


Pulsed Laser Emission: Power and Energy Calculations

Determining whether emission from a pulsed laser is compatible with a device or application can require referencing parameters that are not supplied by the laser's manufacturer. When this is the case, the necessary parameters can typically be calculated from the available information. Calculating peak pulse power, average power, pulse energy, and related parameters can be necessary to achieve desired outcomes including:

  • Protecting biological samples from harm.
  • Measuring the pulsed laser emission without damaging photodetectors and other sensors.
  • Exciting fluorescence and non-linear effects in materials.

Pulsed laser radiation parameters are illustrated in Figure 1 and described in the table. For quick reference, a list of equations is provided below. The document available for download provides this information, as well as an introduction to pulsed laser emission, an overview of relationships among the different parameters, and guidance for applying the calculations. 



Period and repetition rate are reciprocal:    and 
Pulse energy calculated from average power:       
Average power calculated from pulse energy:        
Peak pulse power estimated from pulse energy:            

Peak power and average power calculated from each other:
Peak power calculated from average power and duty cycle*:
*Duty cycle () is the fraction of time during which there is laser pulse emission.
Pulsed Laser Emission Parameters
Click to Enlarge

Figure 1: Parameters used to describe pulsed laser emission are indicated in the plot (above) and described in the table (below). Pulse energy (E) is the shaded area under the pulse curve. Pulse energy is, equivalently, the area of the diagonally hashed region. 

Parameter Symbol Units Description
Pulse Energy E Joules [J] A measure of one pulse's total emission, which is the only light emitted by the laser over the entire period. The pulse energy equals the shaded area, which is equivalent to the area covered by diagonal hash marks.
Period Δt  Seconds [s]  The amount of time between the start of one pulse and the start of the next.
Average Power Pavg Watts [W] The height on the optical power axis, if the energy emitted by the pulse were uniformly spread over the entire period.
Instantaneous Power P Watts [W] The optical power at a single, specific point in time.
Peak Power Ppeak Watts [W] The maximum instantaneous optical power output by the laser.
Pulse Width Seconds [s] A measure of the time between the beginning and end of the pulse, typically based on the full width half maximum (FWHM) of the pulse shape. Also called pulse duration.
Repetition Rate frep Hertz [Hz] The frequency with which pulses are emitted. Equal to the reciprocal of the period.

Example Calculation:

Is it safe to use a detector with a specified maximum peak optical input power of 75 mW to measure the following pulsed laser emission?

  • Average Power: 1 mW
  • Repetition Rate: 85 MHz
  • Pulse Width: 10 fs

The energy per pulse:

seems low, but the peak pulse power is:

It is not safe to use the detector to measure this pulsed laser emission, since the peak power of the pulses is >5 orders of magnitude higher than the detector's maximum peak optical input power.

Hide Sensor Selection


Handheld Power Meter with iPad
Click to Enlarge

The PM160 wireless power meter, shown here with an iPad mini (not included), can be remotely operated using Apple mobile devices.

This tab outlines the full selection of Thorlabs' power and energy sensors. Refer to the lower right table for power meter console and interface compatibility information.

In addition to the power and energy sensors listed below, Thorlabs also offers all-in-one, wireless, handheld power meters and compact USB power meter interfaces that contain either a photodiode or a thermal sensor, as well as power meter bundles that include a console, sensor head, and post mounting accessories.

Thorlabs offers four types of sensors:

  • Photodiode Sensors: These sensors are designed for power measurements of monochromatic or near-monochromatic sources, as they have a wavelength dependent responsivity. These sensors deliver a current that depends on the input optical power and the wavelength. The current is fed into a transimpedance amplifier, which outputs a voltage proportional to the input current.
  • Thermal Sensors: Constructed from material with a relatively flat response function across a wide range of wavelengths, these thermopile sensors are suitable for power measurements of broadband sources such as LEDs and SLDs. Thermal sensors deliver a voltage proportional to the input optical power.
  • Thermal Position & Power Sensors: These sensors incorporate four thermopiles arranged as quadrants of a square. By comparing the voltage output from each quadrant, the unit calculates the beam's position.
  • Pyroelectric Energy Sensors: Our pyroelectric sensors produce an output voltage through the pyroelectric effect and are suitable for measuring pulsed sources, with a repetition rate limited by the time constant of the detector. These sensors will output a peak voltage proportional to the incident pulse energy.
Console Compatibility
Console Item # PM100A PM100D PM400 PM5020 PM101
Photodiode Power -
Thermal Power -
Thermal Position - - - - -
Pyroelectric Energy - a a - - a
  • As the PM100D and PM400 consoles and the PM100USB interface can only support repetition rates of up to 3 kHz, they should not be used with the ES408C sensor, which detects repetition rates up to 10 kHz.

Power and Energy Sensor Selection Guide

There are two options for comparing the specifications of our Power and Energy Sensors. The expandable table below sorts our sensors by type (e.g., photodiode, thermal, or pyroelectric) and provides key specifications.

Alternatively, the selection guide graphic further below arranges our entire selection of photodiode and thermal power sensors by wavelength (left) or optical power range (right). Each box contains the item # and specified range of the sensor. These graphs allow for easy identification of the sensor heads available for a specific wavelength or power range.

Photodiode Power Sensors
Thermal Power Sensors
Thermal Position & Power Sensors
Pyroelectric Energy Sensors
  • The response time of the photodiode sensor. The actual response time of a power meter using these sensors will be limited by the update rate of your power meter console.
  • The power range provided is for lasers with a repetition rate of 80 MHz. Because the peak power and peak power density are dependent on the average power and repetition rate of the laser, the upper limit to the working average power range will be lower for lower repetition rates. Please see the Specs tab here for more details. 
  • Typical natural response time (0 - 95%). Our power consoles can provide estimated measurements of optical power on an accelerated time scale (typically <1 s) when the natual response time is approximately 1 s or greater. As the natural response times of the S415C, S425C, and S425C-L are fast, these do not benefit from accelerated measurements and this function cannot be enabled. For more information, see the Operation tab here.
  • With intermittent use: maximum exposure time of 20 minutes for the S401C, otherwise maximum exposure time is 2 minutes.
  • All pyroelectric sensors have a thermal time constant, τ. This value indicates how long it takes the sensor to recover from a single pulse. To detect the correct energy levels, pulses must be shorter than 0.1τ and the repetition rate of your source must be well below 1/τ. Please see the Specs tab here for the τ value of each sensor.

Sensor Options
(Arranged by Wavelength Range)

Sensors by Wavelength

Sensor Options
(Arranged by Power Range)

Sensors by Power

Sensor Key

Hide Standard Pyroelectric Energy Sensors

Standard Pyroelectric Energy Sensors

  • For General Purpose Optical Pulse Measurements
  • Black Broadband Coating with Flat Response Over a Wide Wavelength Range
  • Ø11 mm, Ø20 mm, or Ø45 mm Sensor Area
  • BNC Connector for Oscilloscope Use
  • Each Sensor Includes:
    • C-Series Connector Adapter for Use with Compatible Thorlabs' Consoles (See Table Below or the Console Selection Tab)
    • Two Electrically Isolating Post Adapters (One Imperial and One Metric)

The ES1xxC Standard Pyroelectric Sensors are designed to measure pulsed coherent and incoherent sources. Pyroelectric sensors are not suited for CW measurements, as they convert energy from light pulses into voltage pulses. The black broadband coating on these sensors is ideal for low power, wavelength-independent energy measurements due to its flat absorption profile (see the table below). Large sensor areas of Ø11 mm, Ø20 mm, or Ø45 mm aid with easy alignment. The sensors can be connected directly to an oscilloscope with a 1 MΩ input resistance via the BNC connector. To accommodate higher repetition rates when connected to an oscilloscope, the load resistance can be reduced. Each energy sensor includes a BNC to C-Series adapter that contains NIST- and PTB-traceable calibration data.

Thorlabs offers a recalibration service for these energy sensors, which can be ordered below (see Item # CAL-THPY).

Item #a ES111C ES120C ES145C
Sensor Image
(Click the Image to Enlarge)
ES111C ES120C ES145C
Input Aperture Size Ø11 mm Ø20 mm Ø45 mm
Wavelength Range 0.185 - 25 µm
Energy Range 10 µJ - 150 mJ 100 µJ - 500 mJ 500 µJ - 2 J
Max Repetition Rateb 40 Hz 30 Hz 30 Hz
Max Power Density
(Pulse Width)
8 MW/cm2
(10 ns Pulse)
Max Pulse Energy Density
(Pulse Width)
0.15 J/cm2
(1 µs Pulse)
Coating (Click for Plot) Black Broadband
Resolution 100 nJ 1 µJ 1 µJ
Linearity ±1%
Measurement Uncertainty ±5% @ 190 nm - 25 µm ±5% @ 185 nm - 25 µm ±5% @ 185 nm - 25 µm
Housing Dimensions Ø36 mm x 16 mm Ø50 mm x 18 mm Ø75 mm x 21 mm
Active Detector Area 95.0 mm2 314.2 mm2 1590.4 mm2
Cable Length 1.5 m (60")
Post Mounting 8-32 Mounting Thread, 8-32 and M4 Insulating Adapters Included
Cage Mounting N/A Four 4-40 Threaded Holes for
30 mm Cage Systems
Compatible Consoles PM400, PM100D, and PM5020
Compatible Interfaces PM103, PM103A, PM103EPM103U, and PM100USB
  • For complete specifications, please see the Specs tab.
  • @ 1 MΩ Load Resistor

Part Number
Pyroelectric Energy Sensor, Black Coating, 0.185 - 25 µm, 150 mJ, Ø11 mm, 40 Hz
Pyroelectric Energy Sensor, Black Coating, 0.185 - 25 µm, 500 mJ, Ø20 mm, 30 Hz
3 weeks
Pyroelectric Energy Sensor, Black Coating, 0.185 - 25 µm, 2 J, Ø45 mm, 30 Hz

Hide High-Energy Pyroelectric Energy Sensors

High-Energy Pyroelectric Energy Sensors

ES220C with a 30 mm Cage System
Click to Enlarge

ES220C Sensor Mounted in a 30 mm Cage System
  • For High-Energy Optical Pulse Measurements Up to 15 J
  • Ceramic Coating with High Damage Threshold for High-Energy-Density (Up to 0.45 J/cm2) Lasers
  • Ø20 mm or Ø45 mm Sensor Area
  • BNC Connector for Oscilloscope Use
  • Each Sensor Includes:
    • C-Series Connector Adapter for Use with Compatible Thorlabs' Consoles (See Table Below or the Console Selection Tab)
    • Two Electrically Isolating Post Adapters (One Imperial and One Metric)

The ES2xxC High-Energy Pyroelectric Sensors are designed to measure pulsed coherent and incoherent sources. Pyroelectric sensors are not suited for CW measurements, as they convert energy from light pulses into voltage pulses. A ceramic coating is used for high energy measurements as high as 3 J for the ES220C sensor or 15 J for the ES245C sensor. Large Ø20 mm or Ø45 mm sensor areas aid with easy alignment. The sensors can be connected directly to an oscilloscope with a 1 MΩ input resistance via the BNC connector. To accommodate higher repetition rates when connected to an oscilloscope, the load resistance can be reduced. Each energy sensor also includes a BNC to C-Series adapter that contains NIST- and PTB-traceable calibration data.

Thorlabs offers a recalibration service for these energy sensors, which can be ordered below (see Item # CAL-THPY).

Item #a ES220C ES245C
Sensor Image
(Click the Image to Enlarge)
ES220C ES245C
Input Aperture Size Ø20 mm Ø45 mm
Wavelength Range 0.185 - 25 µm
Energy Range 500 µJ - 3 J 1 mJ - 15 J
Max Repetition Rateb 30 Hz 30 Hz
Max Power Density
(Pulse Width)
65 MW/cm2
(7 ns Pulse @ 355 nm)
Max Pulse Energy Density
(Pulse Width)
0.45 J/cm2
(7 ns Pulse @ 355 nm)
Coating (Click for Plot) Ceramic
Resolution 25 µJ 50 µJ
Linearity ±1%
Measurement Uncertainty ±5% @ 0.185 - 25 µm
Housing Dimensions Ø50 mm x 18 mm Ø75 mm x 21 mm
Active Detector Area 314.2 mm2 1590.4 mm2
Cable Length 1.5 m (60")
Post Mounting 8-32 Mounting Thread, 8-32 and M4 Insulating Adapters Included
Cage Mounting Four 4-40 Threaded Holes for 30 mm Cage Systems N/A
Compatible Consoles PM400, PM100D, and PM5020
Compatible Interfaces PM103, PM103A, PM103E, PM103U, and PM100USB
  • For complete specifications, please see the Specs tab.
  • @ 1 MΩ Load Resistor

Part Number
Pyroelectric Energy Sensor, Ceramic Coating, 0.185 - 25 µm, 3 J, Ø20 mm, 30 Hz
Pyroelectric Energy Sensor, Ceramic Coating, 0.185 - 25 µm, 15 J, Ø45 mm, 30 Hz

Hide Fast Pyroelectric Energy Sensors

Fast Pyroelectric Energy Sensors

  • For Measurements of Repetition Rates up to 10 kHz
  • Two Coating Options:
    • Black Broadband Coating with Flat Response from 185 nm to 25 µm
    • Metal Coating for 185 nm to 2.5 µm to Support Detecting Repetition Rates up to 10 kHz
  • Ø8 mm or Ø12 mm Sensor Areas
  • BNC Connector for Oscilloscope Use
  • Includes C-Series Connector Adapter for Use with Compatible Thorlabs' Consoles (See Table Below or the Console Selection Tab)

These Fast Pyroelectric Sensors are designed to measure pulsed coherent and incoherent sources with high repetition rates up to 10 kHz. Pyroelectric sensors are not suited for CW measurements, as they convert energy from light pulses into voltage pulses. The ES3xxC sensors have a black broadband that provides a flat response from 185 nm to 25 µm, and, depending on the sensor size, can support measurements of repetition rates up to 1 kHz. The metal-coated E4xxC sensors can detect repetition rates up to 10 kHz, depending on the sensor size, over a more limited wavelength range of 185 nm to 2.5 µm. Ø8 mm or Ø12 mm sensor areas are available, and each input aperture has external SM1 (1.035"-40) threads for compatibility with our SM1-threaded lens tubes. These energy sensors have BNC connectors for connection to an oscilloscope with a 1 MΩ load input resistance; using these sensors with a different load resistance may lead to reduced speed. A BNC to C-Series adapter containing NIST- and PTB-traceable calibration data is also included with each sensor.

Thorlabs offers a recalibration service for these energy sensors, which can be ordered below (see Item # CAL-THPY).

Item #a ES308C ES312C ES408C ES412C
Sensor Image
(Click the Image to Enlarge)
ES308C ES312C ES408C ES412C
Input Aperture Size Ø8 mm Ø12 mm Ø8 mm Ø12 mm
Wavelength Range 0.185 - 25 µm 0.185 - 2.5 µm
Energy Range 500 µJ - 1 J 100 µJ - 1 J 100 µJ - 1 J 50 µJ - 500 mJ
Max Repetition Rateb 1 kHz 250 Hz 10 kHz 2 kHz
Max Power Density
(Pulse Width)
8 MW/cm2
(10 ns Pulse)
5 MW/cm2
(10 ns Pulse)
Max Pulse Energy Density
(Pulse Width)
80 mJ/cm2
(10 ns Pulse)
50 mJ/cm2
(10 ns Pulse)
Coating (Click for Plot) Black Broadband Metal
Resolution 5 µJ 1 µJ 1 µJ 1 µJ
Linearity ±1%
Measurement Uncertainty ±5% @ 0.185 - 25 µm ±5% @ 0.185 - 2.5 µm
Housing Dimensionsc Ø38 mm x 15 mm Ø38 mm x 15 mm Ø38 mm x 15 mm Ø38 mm x 15 mm
Active Detector Area 50.3 mm2 113.1 mm2 50.3 mm2 113.1 mm2
Cable Length 1.5 m (60")
Post Mounting 8-32 and M4 Combi Mounting Thread
Aperture Thread External SM1 (1.035"-40) Thread
Thread Depth: 3.0 mm (0.12")
Compatible Consoles PM400, PM100D, and PM5020 PM5020 PM400, PM100D, and PM5020
Compatible Interfaces PM103, PM103A, PM103E, PM103U, and PM100USB PM103, PM103A, PM103E, and PM103U PM103, PM103A, PM103E, PM103U, and PM100USB
  • For complete specifications, please see the Specs tab.
  • @ 1 MΩ Load Resistor
  • Including SM1 Thread Depth

Part Number
Pyroelectric Energy Sensor, Black Coating, 0.185 - 25 µm, 1 J, Ø8 mm, 1 kHz
3 weeks
Pyroelectric Energy Sensor, Black Coating, 0.185 - 25 µm, 1 J, Ø12 mm, 250 Hz
Lead Time
Pyroelectric Energy Sensor, Metal Coating, 0.185 - 2.5 µm, 1 J, Ø8 mm, 10 kHz
3 weeks
Pyroelectric Energy Sensor, Metal Coating, 0.185 - 2.5 µm, 500 mJ, Ø12 mm, 2 kHz

Hide Recalibration Service for Thermal Power and Pyroelectric Energy Sensors

Recalibration Service for Thermal Power and Pyroelectric Energy Sensors

Sensor Type Sensor Item #s
Thermal Power S175C, S302Ca, S305Ca, S310Ca, S314Ca,S322C, S350C, S370C, S401C, S405C, S415C, S425C, S425C-L, S470C, PM160T, PM160T-HP, PM16-401, PM16-405
Pyroelectric Energy ES111C, ES120C, ES145C, ES220C, ES245C, ES308C, ES312C, ES408C, ES412C
  • This former catalog item is now offered as a special.

Thorlabs offers recalibration services for our Thermal Power and Pyroelectric Energy Sensors. To ensure accurate measurements, we recommend recalibrating the sensors annually. Recalibration of a single-channel power and/or energy meter console or interface is included with the recalibration of a sensor at no additional cost. If you wish to calibrate one or more sensors with a dual-channel console, each sensor and console calibration service will need to be purchased individually.

Please note that the CAL-THPY recalibration service cannot be used for our Thermal Position & Power Sensors; recalibration for these sensors can be requested by contacting Tech Support. The table to the upper right lists the sensors for which the CAL-THPY recalibration service is available.

Requesting a Calibration
Thorlabs provides two options for requesting a calibration:

  1. Complete the Returns Material Authorization (RMA) form. When completing the RMA form, please enter your name, contact information, the Part #s, and the Serial #s of all sensors or consoles being returned for calibration; in the Reason for Return field, select "I would like an item to be calibrated." All other fields are optional. Once the form has been submitted, a member of our RMA team will reach out to provide an RMA Number, return instructions, and to verify billing and payment information.
  2. Enter the Part # and Serial # of the item that requires recalibration below and then Add to Cart. If you would like a console calibrated with your sensor, repeat this process for Item # CAL-PM1 or CAL-PM2 below, entering the console Item # and Serial #. A member of our RMA team will reach out to coordinate the return of the item(s) for calibration. Note that each console calibration Item # represents the cost of calibrating a console alone; if requesting a single-channel console calibration with a sensor calibration, the appropriate discount will be applied when your request is processed. Should you have other items in your cart, note that the calibration request will be split off from your order for RMA processing.

Please Note: To ensure your item being returned for calibration is routed appropriately once it arrives at our facility, please do not ship it prior to being provided an RMA Number and return instructions by a member of our team. Pyroelectric energy sensors returned for recalibration or servicing must include the separate BNC to DB9 adapter, which contains the sensor EEPROM.

Part Number
Recalibration Service for Thermal Power and Pyroelectric Energy Sensors at 1064 nm
Lead Time

Hide Recalibration of Power & Energy Meter Electronics

Recalibration of Power & Energy Meter Electronics

Calibration Service Item # Compatible Consoles & Interfaces
CAL-PM1 PM100D, PM100A, PM400, PM100USB,
PM101 Series, PM102 Series, PM103 Series
CAL-PM2 PM5020, Previous-Generation PM320E

These recalibration services are for the power and/or energy meter electronics of our consoles and interfaces. To ensure accurate measurements, we recommend recalibrating annually. Recalibration of a single-channel console or interface is included with these sensor recalibration services at no additional cost. If you wish to calibrate one or more sensors with a dual-channel console, each sensor and console calibration service will need to be purchased individually. For more details on these recalibration services, please click the Documents () icons below. 

The table to the upper right lists the power and/or energy meter consoles and interfaces that can be calibrated using the CAL-PM1 and CAL-PM2 recalibration services.

Requesting a Calibration
Thorlabs provides two options for requesting a calibration:

  1. Complete the Returns Material Authorization (RMA) form. When completing the RMA form, please enter your name, contact information, the Part #, and the Serial # of each item being returned for calibration; in the Reason for Return field, select "I would like an item to be calibrated." All other fields are optional. Once the form has been submitted, a member of our RMA team will reach out to provide an RMA Number, return instructions, and to verify billing and payment information.
  2. Select the appropriate Item # below, enter the Part # and Serial # of the item that requires recalibration, and then Add to Cart. If you would like to calibrate one or more sensors with your console, repeat this process for the appropriate sensor recalibration service above, entering the console Item # and Serial #. A member of our RMA team will reach out to coordinate return of the item(s) for calibration. Note that each console calibration Item # represents the cost of calibrating a console alone; if requesting a single-channel console calibration with a sensor calibration, the appropriate discount will be applied when your request is processed. Should you have other items in your cart, note that the calibration request will be split off from your order for RMA processing.

Please Note: To ensure your item being returned for calibration is routed appropriately once it arrives at our facility, please do not ship it prior to being provided an RMA Number and return instructions by a member of our team.

Part Number
Recalibration of Single-Channel Power and/or Energy Meter Electronics
Lead Time
Recalibration of Dual-Channel Power and Energy Meter Electronics
Lead Time